Friday, November 12, 2010

Book Review: "The Great Depression Ahead"

Here's a quick review of a book that I got out of the library to leaf through.  I'll admit to having given it a shallow reading.

It's "The Great Depression Ahead: How to prosper in the crash following the greatest boom in history" by Harry S. Dent, Jr.  This is book is such utter crap that the fact that he's predicting a great depression is the most hopeful news I've heard in a long time.  The entire book is a series of discussions about Krondratieff cycles, with a whole lot of extra cycles thrown in: Presidential election cycles and Revolutionary Cycles and 5000 year civilization cycles... plus many more, overlaying each other in chart after chart.

He had sentences like, "Martin Luther came along at this point in the cycle"... as if Martin Luther were pre-ordained in the 5,000 year sine wave.  (And as if there *is* a 5,000 year civilization sine wave!)

He wrote this in 2007 and somehow missed issues like Peak Oil and monetization of the debt when discussing the next 70 years.

All in all, the man is an utter fool who spews 340 pages of bullshit before he quit nattering on.  Skip it and read Freakonomics instead.

LOL: one of the reviewers said, "Both AIM and Mass Mutual once had mutual funds based on the Dent philosophy and were sub-managed by him. Both have gone bust as being some of the worst performing mutual funds in recent history. If you followed his investment advise over the last 5 years you would be flat broke by now."

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